Welcome to PlagUE Application

Plagiarisms: Ultimate Evidence

This application was designed to archive records about violations of ethical codex recorded in relation with fulfilling students' duties. These records comprise transgressions like plagiarism or cheating in exams. The archive is particularly designed to detect multiple transgressions by a single student, which is beyond capabilities and empowerment of individual lecturers. Information provided by individual teachers could be ultimately used as evidence in any subsequent processes triggered by the illicit behavior.

The lecturers are registered in the application on the first sign-in using external authentication service (CAS). Those who cannot use CAS can have local account created by an administrator. Students cannot sign into the application. When a record about particular student is created, the student is notified via email and given a temporary link which can be used to read the report and to attach student's rebuttal.

Data are stored in accordance with GDPR and effective rules of faculty and university.

For technical support, please contact the administrator: krulis@d3s.mff.cuni.cz